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Yo-Yo Sale, Spot Delivery Fraud and Conditional Delivery Scams

Submitted by admin on Tue, 10/15/2019 - 23:05

Auto Contract Fraud

Yo-Yo Sales, Spot Delivery Fraud and Conditional Delivery Scams are one of the most widespread abuses in the automotive industry. This sophisticated form of fraud applies to both leased and purchased vehicles that are being sold as either new or used and is very difficult for most consumers to recognize that they are being defrauded. Yo-Yo Sales, Spot Delivery Fraud and Conditional Delivery Scams always require the buyer signing a second loan or lease agreement.

Negotiating in a Foreign Language Contract Fraud

Submitted by admin on Tue, 10/15/2019 - 22:56

foreign-Language Contract Fraud

If a dealership, either orally or in writing, negotiates the sale or lease of a vehicle to a consumer in the Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Tagalog or the Vietnamese language, then the dealership must give that consumer a translation of the Buyer's Guide and the vehicle's final contract in the language that the sale was primarily negotiated in prior to presenting the buyer with a final contract for the sale or lease to sign.

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